Episode 99 - Orton loves Heel Orton

Published: July 20, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

b'WARNING: This episode is alarmingly high in sodium because The Heel Marks are SUPER SALTY this week! But with the way Extreme Rules went, can you really blame them? Luckily NXT\'s future is looking LIMITLESS. Bobby Lashley beat Roman Reigns clean as a whistle! So naturally he has to beat him again to be number one contender. That makes sense right? The best wrestler in the company is the WWE Champion but hasn\\u2019t closed a single PPV since winning it. That makes sense right? Is Kevin Owens alive? Is Jeff Hardy reconsidering his jewelry choices? And did Sasha Banks just come out?!? All this and more on a very salty Episode 99 of Heel Marks!
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