Episode 90 - We've Been Pretzeled

Published: May 18, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

b'The Heel Marks are officially ALL IN! Are you? Is a certain Chicago native? Yes, we\\u2019re looking at you Harrison Ford! As we celebrate the accomplishments of this group of independent wrestlers, we look at guys that just didn\\u2019t get the same love in the WWE that they got on the independent scene. Could The Miz becoming Mr. MITB again be another way for WWE to erase CM Punk from their history? Could Kevin Owens becoming Mr. MITB help create the best ending possible to the Kevin/Sami story? Carmella is so money but she definitely knows it. The Intercontinental Championship tournament puts the best best friends in all the land to the test as Brady and Danielle go to war to decide the winner of Bret Hart vs Chris Jericho. The return of \\u201cI\\u2019m not a heel, this is just how I feel.\\u201d with Salty Sunil and so much more on Episode 90 of The Heel Marks!'