Episode 89 - Disqualified

Published: May 11, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

b'Backlash\\u2026.happened. Seth Rollins and The Miz easily had the match of the night. Will we see them be rewarded with big spots at MITB? Is Rusev finally being rewarded with a gift for Rusev Day? Were our initial expectations for AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura too high to ever be met? Are big things in store for Big E? Is a tag team MITB match in our future? Brady gives safety tips for where to sit on a bus, Danielle wants to shout out Zubaz, and M2J finally returns with an M2J Poetry SLAM! Backlash backlash, early MITB predictions and so much more on Episode 89 of Heel Marks!
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