Episode 76 - The Koko B. Ware Rule

Published: Feb. 9, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

b'The Heel Marks are talking Hall Of Fame! We already know the Dudleys and Goldberg are going in. Who else would you like to see inducted? With the Dudleys being the first to start in the land of Extreme and end in the WWE Hall of Fame, what other ECW Originals should follow their lead? Danielle explains why the women\\u2019s evolution should mean more than one female entry per year. Brady introduces us to the \\u201cKoko B. Ware Rule\\u201d. Another edition of \\u201cI\\u2019m not a Heel, this is just how I feel\\u201d with Salty Sunil and so much more in Episode 76 of Heel Marks!'