Episode 137 - You Get a WIn! You Get a Win! Everybody Gets a Win!

Published: April 12, 2019, 10:44 a.m.

b'Did you think Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch and Kofi Kingston were all going to win world championships at WrestleMania? Quit lying! Of course you didn\\u2019t! Did you think Kofi Kingston, Seth Rollins and Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins were all going to leave NY still champions? Quit lying! Of course you didn\\u2019t! Did you know that Danielle would be dressed as GLOW\\u2019s LIberty Belle? \\U0001f3b6Why you always lying?\\U0001f3b6 WWE may as well have used ribbon and a note as part of the set, because this entire weekend was a gift to the fans! The Heel Marks were there for all of it and are talking about every show they went to! With Brock Lesnar long gone and KofiMania in full effect, the sky looks to be the limit for a lot of superstars depending on where the Superstar Shakeup takes them. Reactions to Takeover, the G1, WrestleMania and so much more on Episode 137 of Heel Marks!
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