Episode 117 - Meat to My Hook

Published: Nov. 23, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

b'It\\u2019s Thanksgiving and the Heel Marks are thankful for all of you!! Ethan Page is thankful for being closer to keeping his soul, wrestling fans are thankful for all 8 men who competed in War Games, and David Arquette is thankful to be alive. Whoever came up with that AOPeePee finish should be thankful to have a job. Pete Dunne is thankful for DA Brewer saving the day and while Becky is on the shelf we should be all thankful for Twitter. And while you are thankful for Thanksgiving leftovers enjoy the roast of Enzo Amore courtesy of \\u201cThoughts From Down Under\\u201d. All this and more on Episode 117 of Heel Marks!'