Who will be All-Star MVP? Should Lebron pick Steph first?

Published: March 3, 2021, 9:18 a.m.

b'It\\u2019s a full house this week ahead of All-Star Night, with Jaydee Dyer, Mo Mooncey, Ovie Soko and BJ Armstrong.

Latest News: Was it right for Hawks to fire Lloyd Pierce (02:04)? Joakim Noah set to retire (05:14).

All-Star Preview: What to expect (09:02)? Who will be MVP (13:45)? Understanding why Adam Silver has put it on (19:07).

Hot Or Not: Put Zion in the dunk contest (26:04)! LeBron should pick Steph first (41:34). Viewer Pick \\u2013 \\u2018DeRozan should be an All-Star\\u2019 (48:48).

Off The Court: All-Star in Numbers (57:33).'