#9: Slap Me After, Not Before

Published: Dec. 4, 2020, 6 p.m.


"Christopher, is your shotgun loaded at this point?"


Christopher is pissed at himself for not being as pissed as he thinks he should be


"At this point you are stark raving mad, but you don\'t want anyone to know that."


Christopher didn\'t sleep well because his little girl is growing up


James dreams about Christopher


"You like big women?" "Well... no?"


I don\'t like to use the word dumb, but... yes, they were dumb


James is into nerdy girls


Christopher only likes the smart playboy models


James doesn\'t like Christopher\'s Intro/Outro


Christopher: "It\'s called dissonance." James: "That doesn\'t make it any better."


"Slap me after, not before"


Christopher cracks himself up


Christopher tries to explain music to James, but he just doesn\'t care


It\'s a hit with the youth


James doesn\'t mind getting songs stuck in his head, that\'s free radio!


James is an idiot savant without the savant


James admits to listening to Billy Squier and Christopher realizes he doesn\'t like James any more


Christopher laments James\'s terrible ear


Your State Flag sucks


Iceland, Greenland, and Arizona


Does the blue represent blue?


Christopher knows more about your flag than you do


Christopher read the whole encyclopedia, James just looked at the pictures


We explain to the kids what an encyclopedia is and its implications on social status


Macmillan Visual Dictionary (pic)


Encyclopedias had no auto update. You lived with what you had.


James\'s father speaks Ancient Greek. Not sure why, but there it is.


Christopher is spacey


Astronomers on TikTok


Ship High In Transit is bullshit - @jesszafarris


Shit means shit


Beowulf was not written by Shakespeare, but James is too dumb to know that


From Beowulf to The Office


James takes a hatchet to The Office (American version)


You can still steal cars in Rhode Island


Cars without USB ports aren\'t really cars
