Better Servicing Patients and Staff at Scale with VMware

Published: June 5, 2023, 1 p.m.


*VMware is a sponsor of Healthcare Scene.\\n\\nIn this video, Michael Robinson, VP of Healthcare, says that even five years ago, the health care industry was resistant to the cloud. A big uptake of cloud services recently is driven by several factors: the greater security offered by professional cloud services, the greater number of applications that are cloud-ready, and the need for interoperability pushed by government, payers, and patients.\\n\\nRemote work, which burgeoned during the COVID-19 shutdown, also makes it important to use the cloud effectively. Some of VMware\'s services manage remote devices, making sure that they are secure and that the right device can get access to the right application in an environment with multiple applications (including EHRs) running in multiple cloud systems with multiple devices accessing them.\\n\\nWatch the video for other insights about the evolving technology of data centers in health care.\\n\\nLearn more about VMware:\\n\\nFind more great health IT content:
