What it Takes to be a Risk Manager - Kenneth Newman, Central Pacific Bank

Published: Jan. 25, 2010, 8:59 p.m.

b'Risk management today - it\'s less about pure technology, more about business acumen and pure communication skills.\\n\\n

This is the position of Kenneth Newman, VP & Information Security Manager at Central Pacific Bank. In an interview about top risk management trends, Newman discusses:\\n\\n

Scope of the risk management job in banking institutions today;
Biggest challenges to getting the job done right;
Necessarily skills for successful risk managers.

Newman joined Central Pacific Bank as Vice President & Information Security Manager in February 2009. He oversees the bank\'s information security program and the protection of its information assets. \\n\\n

Prior to joining CPB, Mr. Newman served as First Vice President & Online Risk Manager for Washington Mutual (WaMu) and has managed various global and regional security and risk functions for Deutsche Bank and Citigroup in New York.\\n\\n

Central Pacific Bank is the main subsidiary of Central Pacific Financial Corp., a Hawaii based financial institution with $5.2 billion in assets.'