Privacy for Patients, Professionals - Nick Mankovich, Philips Healthcare

Published: Sept. 17, 2009, 8:04 p.m.

b'Healthcare and privacy - they have emerged as two huge topics in 2009, and Nick Mankovich of Philips Healthcare blends both of them into his career.\\n\\n

Director of Product Security & Privacy, Mankovich discusses:\\n\\n

His customers\' main privacy and medical device security concerns - and how they are being addressed;
Trends he\'s tracking in privacy and security;
Regulations, threats and topics such as medical ID theft that need more attention in the national healthcare dialogue.

Mankovich leads the worldwide Philips Healthcare programs both Product Security and Privacy. Each program organizes a team of subject matter experts that (1) address\\npolicies, requirements, and issues around security-designed-in products and services and (2) directs all elements of privacy compliance in the Philips Healthcare business. \\n\\n

Prior to his seven years in Philips Healthcare, he spent seven years as a research department head with Philips Research, where he led groups working on advanced projects in medical informatics, security/cryptography/privacy, digital video content management, digital rights management, and interactive digital television. This corporate work was preceded by 15 years in medical imaging including hospital management positions in medical informatics, radiological engineering, and academic appointments in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Iowa, in Radiological Sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine and in Computer Science at the University of New South Wales in\\nSydney Australia.'