Trap House Testimony: Recovering Ex-Gang Member Tells Her Story.

Published: March 31, 2022, 11 a.m.

"I buried myself in a pile of clothes, they found me. I'll never forget the ski mask and the eyes looking at me. I knew those eyes."

Chantel was in deep.

Addiction, trafficking, armed robbery,

There was very little Chantel left undone in the life.

"My partner tried to shoot me, I was holding my child and I felt the bullet go by my head."

Chantel saw no solution until one day her parole officer said;

"You need fucking help."

And for some reason,

that hit.

"Nobody ever tried to help me before."

Tune in this week and listen to Chantel #takeofftheblinders around gang life, domestic violence, and addiction in Saskatchewan, Canada.

We'll talk about what she was like, what happened, and how a promise made on her mother's death bed changed everything.

“We’re all healing right? A lot of people fail to recognize there are 8 billion people in this world and we all have a story.

Every one of us is going through something nobody knows about. So be kind, we're all just trying to find our way home.”

You won't want to miss this one friends as we walk into the darkness and hold our candle high this week right here, on Hard Knox Talks.

Buckle up.

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Stronger Together Canada Peer Led Support Groups by Moms Stop the Harm
Are you struggling with the substance use of a loved one? Go to

Have you tragically lost someone to drug related harms? Visit

Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan