The Saskatchewan Methadose Switch: A Stark Warning, With Garth Mullins.

Published: July 2, 2022, 2 p.m.

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"The methadone switch in British Columbia was a disaster that led to a lot of misery and many deaths."

Garth Mullins and his team from the renowned harm reduction podcast "Crackdown" won the Canadian Hillman Prize for investigative journalism around the abrupt switch of methadone to Cherry-Flavored Methadose in British Columbia in 2014.

From advocating with different regulatory bodies in BC, to nationally with Health Canada, to class action lawsuits against the makers of Methadose, Garth, and the organizations he serves, have been fighting for safer Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT).

Even Health Canada investigated, and their findings suggested that there are important differences between the methadone products. The CDC found Methadose was insufficient,

and yet it continues to be available.

The change is coming in Saskatchewan, but we have a chance to learn from BC and do it differently.

Join us this week and listen to Garth #takeofftheblinders around what happened in British Columbia, so that we can avoid doing the same thing in Saskatchewan.

We'll talk about what his experience was when the switch was imposed in British Columbia, how other provinces have done it differently, and what people in Saskatchewan can do to feel like they have some choice in the switch to a new methadone.

If you or a loved one will be affected by this change, or you just want to learn more about it, then you definitely won't want to miss this special public awareness event right here,

on Hard Knox Talks.

Buckle up.


This event is Sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan.

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Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan