Safe Consumption Saves Lives: Saskatchewan Union of Nurses President Speaks up.

Published: Feb. 22, 2022, noon

"Safe consumption sites are not a crutch, and I'm getting sick of explaining that."

Tracy cannot make her message more clear. Her own family has been rocked by addiction, we'll let her tell you all about that.

"We shouldn't be looking down at anybody, everyone deserves the opportunity to be happy and productive."

Tune in this week and listen to Tracy #takeofftheblinders around the fight for Safe consumption sites in Saskatchewan.

We'll talk about the obvious reasons around why these sites are unfunded, and how her and the Union she leads are fighting the stigmatic thinking that is proving to be more deadly than addiction itself.
Are our decision-makers are failing us, or are we under attack?

We are going to get real honest about how we feel about that, and how we can join the fight for reasonable accommodation alongside Tracy this week right here, on Hard Knox Talks.
Buckle up.

#thelieisdead #harmreductionsaveslives

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Stronger Together Canada Peer Led Support Groups by Moms Stop the Harm
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Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan