Run Away Girl: Recovering Alcoholic Tells Her Story.

Published: March 12, 2022, midnight

"Falling from a bridge drunk left me badly injured, and that led to far worse destruction."

Stacey ran all the way to England to try and escape her substance use disorder, but an injury led her down an even darker path.

Homeless, abused, addicted she had nowhere left to run.

"My father finally flew over and found me, I don't remember how, but he convinced me to come home."

Tune in this week and listen to Stacey #takeofftheblinders around the realities of addiction.

We'll talk about what it was like, and how she finally escaped all the darkness and disfunction to find the beautiful life she has today.

"Of all the blessings in my life today, it's my family and service to others that keeps me sober."

We're honored to have Stacey tell the story of how she ran far away, but found her way home this week right here, on Hard Knox Talks.

Buckle up.
#Addiction #recovery #Sobriety

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Stronger Together Canada Peer Led Support Groups by Moms Stop the Harm
Are you struggling with the substance use of a loved one? Go to

Have you tragically lost someone to drug related harms? Visit

Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan