Recovered Alcoholic and street survivor Rob Kelly, PhD. tells his story.

Published: Oct. 8, 2021, 11 a.m.

"I stabbed my wife 3 times because she wouldn't let me finish my bottle."

"Did you finish the bottle?"


Dr. Rob Kelly is a renowned addictions consultant, but it hasn't always been this way. He has a dark past as many of us in recovery do.

Tune in this week and listen to Rob #takeoftheblinders around the realities of alcoholism with a white-collar. We'll talk about how he went from CEO to the streets of Manchester, England. Then, we'll talk about what he found on those streets that led him to the life he has today.

From domestic violence and suicide attempts to lecturing at high profile universities and being coined "the Gordon Ramsey of the addiction world" we are going to hear it all.

Today, Dr. Kelly is the CEO of Rob Kelly Recovery Group. He spends his days giving back and enjoying all the light and love that recovery can bring. We're going to hear all about that too.

If you think you can't, you're right. But if you think maybe there's a chance, then look at the life and times, of Dr. Rob Kelly.

Buckle up!!

#addiction #recovery #substanceuse #mentalhealth

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