Reality Check: Addiction Interview With FASD Expert, Robbie Seale. Phoenix Fire Ep. 17

Published: July 14, 2022, 3 p.m.

Robbie is a mother of 4, 3 of whom are adopted and diagnosed with FASD, is an educator on the topic and host of the FASD Family Life Podcast.

I thought I had some idea about FASD but when we spoke, she hit me with some facts that made me take a step back and rethink and question things:

Did you know:

- roughly 1 in 25 in general population of those incarcerated have FASD markers - and according to Robbie, that is a highly conservative number.

- highest risk for exposing a fetus are women between ages 18 and 25....a lot of women are binge drinking during this time. I address this not to place blame but if you think about it, how many of us had no idea we were carrying until we were roughly 3 months pregnant already and for those in active addiction, the discovery may come later.

- "mild" or "high functioning" FASD is often misdiagnosed as ADHD, Oppositional, Defiance Disorder and even Autism. Oppositional Defiance tends to manifest later in life particularly if FASD is not diagnosed earlier and proper supports are put in place.

- there is a significant gap in awareness and understanding societally and clinically --

particularly as it pertains to addictions and the justice system.

A lot of this is relevant with narcotic exposure. Because the fetus develops from the brain stem then outward, those first few months are more important than some of us realize. I didn't know I was pregnant with either of my children until I was roughly 3 months pregnant but Robbie assures me that not all hope is lost.

Join us for an enlightening and real conversation about all of this and more,

This week,

on Phoenix Fire.

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