Prescription Padding: Over Prescribed Woman Tells Her Story.

Published: May 13, 2022, 1 p.m.

“The doctor didn’t seem to care that I was struggling he just kept prescribing pain meds and told me to get out of his office”

Jennifer struggled with Fibromyalgia her whole adult life.

She managed it with non-habit-forming medication until she found a new doctor.
Fentanyl and hypomorph flowed like water.

Even when she asked to reduce her dosage, her doctor insisted she continue.

Her relationship ended, she lost custody of her son, her hair and teeth were falling out.
And she never once went to the street for her drugs.

“I somehow ended up at a new doctor, she pronounced me dead to my face, she said I shouldn’t be here.”

Tune in this week and listen to Jennifer #takeofftheblinders around a doctor abusing privilege.

We'll talk about what it was like, and how a medical team stepped up, prescribed suboxone, and set her on the path to healing she is on today.

“I owe my recovery to my desire to be a mother, and to the medical team that was there for me when I needed it most.”

You won't want to miss this unbelievable story as we look into the reality of dope slinging at the doctor's office this week right here,

on Hard Knox Talks.

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Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan