Police Shot my Son: The Story of Carey Rigby-Wilcox and Her Son Steven.

Published: June 11, 2022, 2 p.m.

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“Good days are guilt, I feel like I killed my son because I called the cops, and they shot him.”

Carey lost her son in 2018. Substance use and mental health were at the root of it all.

“Nobody believed us, he was so intoxicated at the emergency room after a suicide attempt and they just gave him more meds and released him.”

Attempt, after attempt it seemed help was nowhere to be found. All the doctors would do is prescribe and prescribe until one day the insanity came to a boiling point.

“He didn’t have time to talk, he just wanted to say goodbye. We were catching him trying to commit suicide all the time. He was just out of the psych ward a day and a half and he had a gun to his head. We called the cops. And now he’s gone."

Join us this week and listen to Carey #takeofftheblinders around our broken health care system.
We'll talk about how Steven ended up using substances, how he met his ultimate demise, and what Carey intends to do about all this to try and prevent this from happening again.

We stand in respect this week as Carey takes the stage in the hopes to educate the masses about what is really happening out there this week, on Hard Knox Talks.

Buckle up.

#addiction #suicideawareness 

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Stronger Together Canada Peer Led Support Groups by Moms Stop the Harm
Are you struggling with the substance use of a loved one? Go to

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Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here https://grad.usask.ca/programs/substance-use-health-and-wellbeing.php#Program

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan