Out of Chaos Comes Beauty: Renowned Ibogaine Counsellor, Anders Beatty. Phoenix Fire Ep 13.

Published: June 25, 2022, 1 p.m.

"I resented being told that I had to be called an addict for the rest of my life and had no sovereignty or autonomy. I had enough white key tags to tile a room."

Anders Beatty lived in addiction fr 25 years. He tried every modality available to no avail:

8 years ago, he found his way to a happier life through Ibogaine.

A powerful psychedelic plant medicine.

Today he is the founder of Ibogaine Counselling Services, is a Qualified Integrative psychotherapist, a plant medicine counselor, and works with a number of ibogaine and plant medicine clinics worldwide where he specializes in pre-treatment to:

"crack the client open and prepare them for the medicine. Ibogaine breaks down all the primitive defenses that we build up and it tells us the truth. That's why pre-treatment is imperative."

When I asked "why Ibogaine";

"Ibogaine can, certainly for people addicted to opiates, take them out of addiction, overnight. It can also allow people to start to create their own narrative of self rather than living through the narrative of others".

We're pumped for this one. Anders blew our minds and we know he's going to blow yours too.

"Addiction is essentially self-medicating against inauthenticity"

Make sure you tune in this week as we step out to the fringe in the search for a safer way, this week on Phoenix Fire.

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Stronger Together Canada Peer Led Support Groups by Moms Stop the Harm
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Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here https://grad.usask.ca/programs/substance-use-health-and-wellbeing.php#Program

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan