Interview with Portuguese Toxicologist about decriminalization and workplace substance use.

Published: July 31, 2021, 2 p.m.

From Lisbon, Portugal, Jose remembers what it was like growing up in the midst of a heroin epidemic.

He also remembers when Portugal decriminalized illicit substances 20 years ago in an effort to curb the devastation.

As a Toxicologist and a member of the European Workplace Drug Testing Society (EWDTS), Jose has gained a unique insight into what's working over there. He is also familiar with the challenges they have faced and are still facing regarding the implementation and execution of Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Is Decrim working for them?

How did they pull it off?

He is coming armed with statistics to back up his claims.

Tune in this week and listen to Jose #takeofftheblinders around how Portugal took a stand, and how it's actually working for them, right here, on Hard Knox Talks. Buckle up!

#truth #change #choices #addiction #addictionscrisis #substanceuse #harmreduction #decriminalization


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