Dead People Don't Recover

Published: Dec. 20, 2021, 2 p.m.

"He thought he was doing Oxy, he was home alone, he didn't stand a chance."

Petra Shulz lost her son to an overdose in 2014.

Fentanyl ended his life at 25 years old and changed her life forever.

A match was struck that day, and the fire that came is changing the way we see substance use in this country.

"Every overdose reversed is a family that doesn't have to arrange a funeral."

Tune in this week and listen to Petra #takeofftheblinders around the overdose crisis in Canada.

We'll also talk about how she went from devastating loss to founding member of one of this nation's most powerful harm reduction advocacy organizations.


You better believe they're taking action and we'll talk about what they're doing, how you can help,

and how they can help you.

You won't want to miss this one my friends as we boldly forge to the front line on this battlefield for reasonable accommodation.

This isn't a moral failing, it's a disease. It's killing our kids and we're going to get real loud about that this week right here, on Hard Knox Talks.

Buckle up.

#thelieisdead #harmreductionsaveslives

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Stronger Together Canada Peer Led Support Groups by Moms Stop the Harm
Are you struggling with the substance use of a loved one? Go to

Have you tragically lost someone to drug related harms? Visit

Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan