Bullet in a Bottle: The Story of Clint and Joanie Malarchuck.

Published: Feb. 3, 2022, 9 a.m.

"He said: 'this is what I want to do' and I remember, he stood up and that's when the gun went off."
Joanie watched Clint put a bullet in his own head.

Clint Malarchuck is a retired NHL goalie. In 1989 he was in an accident on the ice that nearly took his life, a skate cut his throat.

Eventually, unchecked PTSD from that incident drove Clint past the point of no return, he could only see one solution.

At the bottom of that bottle though,
was a bullet.

Tune in this week and listen to Clint, and Joanie #takeofftheblinders around this insidious family disease.
We'll hear about what it was like, what happened, and how both Joanie and Clint found the beautiful life they have today. Giving back.

You won't want to miss this one friends but we do urge discretion as boldly light a candle, and walk through the darkness this week right here, on Hard Knox Talks.

Buckle up.

#thelieisdead #togetherwearestronger

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