Trancers is Not Blade Runner or Terminator - Talking About Tapes (#18)

Published: Dec. 29, 2020, 5:51 p.m.

b"Tony and Newt review their new favorite Christmas film, Trancers! Find out how crazy this Blade Runner/Terminator style sci fi romp is in this Podcast / Movie Review. You get everything from time traveling brains, zombie Santa Claus, and young Helen Hunt.
Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson) is a trooper in Angel City, circa 2247, mopping up the last of the disciples of the Martin Whistler (Michael Stefani). Whistler uses his psychic power to 'trance' those with weak minds and force them to obey his every desire. Whistler had been thought to be dead by now, but he's alive and well, and in the year 1985. Whistler's plan - to hunt down the ancestors of the City Council. With the Council disbanded, nothing is to stop Whistler from controlling the city. That's where Jack Deth fits in. Jack is sent back in time by inhabiting the body of his ancestor. The only problem is that Whistler's ancestor is a police detective, and he's begun trancing people back in 1985. With the help of Lena (Helen Hunt), a strong-minded punk rock girl, he must find and protect Hap Ashby, a former baseball pitcher now living on Skid Row, and face Whistler in a final confrontation."