181) Leah Garces: Turning adversaries into allies to change animal agriculture

Published: Oct. 14, 2019, 5:35 p.m.


Leah Garc\\xe9s\\xa0is the President of Mercy For Animals\\xa0and a leader in the animal protection movement. She is also the author of Grilled: Turning Adversaries into Allies to Change the Chicken Industry. In her book, Leah describes her experiences working with farmers and food industry leaders to reduce animal suffering, build a better food system, and shine a light on the thriving and rapidly growing plant-based food sector through dialogue and discussion.


In this podcast episode, Leah sheds light on the social, health and ecological impacts of factory farming, which dominates animal agriculture in the United States; the value and opportunities that lie in reaching across the aisle to work with people we may view as our adversaries; and more.


Episode notes: www.greendreamer.com/181

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