Falling Away Faith - Part 2

Published: Nov. 12, 2023, 10 a.m.


The are 5 types of Churches:

1. Compromising Churches that partner with a Rebellious Spirit.

2. Complacent Churches that partner with a Reluctant Spirit.

3. Consumer Churches that partner with a Replacing Spirit.

4. Combative Churches that partner with a Religious Spirit.

5. Compelling Churches that partner with a Renewing Spirit.

Compelling: "Evoking interest, attention, or conviction in a powerfully irresistible way."

Discussion Questions:

1. What would cause someone to love Jesus but turn away from Him?

2. How does the enemy or devil use deception to confuse us about God?

3. What does it look like to gently correct someone with a wrong view of the Bible?

4. What does it mean to be courageous about what the Bible teaches?

5. What does contending for the faith look like for you today?

Prayer Prompt:

Jesus, thank You that Your Word tells me that in You, I will be able to stand and win against all the strategies of our spiritual enemy. Empower me to be strong in You and in the power of Your might as I put on Your armor, protecting my soul as I trust in You.
