Published: Sept. 8, 2023, 10:58 a.m.


The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs has noted an increase in Respiratory Infections over the last four weeks. Generally, the flu season runs from October to March annually, and during period, we normally see an increase in the number of persons with flu-like symptoms, both at the public and private health facilities.


As Saint Lucia continues to record confirmed cases of Covid-19, the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs encourages persons who have not been vaccinated against Covid19, or are partially vaccinated to visit their nearest wellness centre and get vaccinated. Persons with chronic illnesses and the elderly are particularly advised to get vaccinated. Vaccination remains the best protection against severe COVID-19 illness, hospitalization and death.


The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs informs the public of the availability of the COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccine at the community wellness centres. Like Covid-19, the flu is a contagious and potentially serious respiratory disease that can result in unfavorable outcomes such as severe illness, hospitalization and death. It is therefore important for persons, especially our vulnerable population and the elderly to be vaccinated against the virus causing the Flu. The Flu virus constantly changes and as a result, the vaccine is updated from one season to the next to protect against newer influenza virus strains. For this reason, it is recommended that persons get vaccinated annually.


The Pfizer, Janssen covid-19 vaccines and the Influenza vaccine are available at all wellness centres from Monday, September 11, 2023. It is important to note, both the Covid-19 vaccine and Influenza Vaccine can be administered at the same time.


The Pfizer vaccine is available from Monday September 11, to Saturday September 30, 2023.


The Jansen vaccine is available until January 31, 2024. The public is advised to access the vaccines during that period as they may not be available after those dates.


Persons are encouraged to call or visit their nearest wellness centre to access the available Covid19 and Influenza vaccines. They are available free of charge to the public.


For additional information please call the Community Health Services Unit at 468-5321.

