Saint Lucia to observe World Tuberculosis Day

Published: March 20, 2024, 12:18 p.m.


March 24 marks the 42nd anniversary of World Tuberculosis Day since its beginning in 1982. The theme for 2024 is "Yes! We Can End TB." Persons who have tuberculosis disease have TB bacteria within them that is actively reproducing. Coughing will spread the disease to other persons who are exposed.



Saint Lucia has the ability to eliminate TB. This requires all of us to play our respective roles. The tools to diagnose TB infection and TB disease and the medications to treat TB are available in Saint Lucia. Therefore, it is important for persons to get tested when advised to do so and that they take their medications when prescribed and as directed.



There should be no shame or stigma associated with being diagnosed with TB. TB is an illness that can be cured. Let us all contribute to the collective effort of ending TB in Saint Lucia.


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