Saint Lucia observes World Food Day

Published: Oct. 8, 2021, 5:08 p.m.


Commencing Monday, Oct. 11, the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development will be hosting several activities leading up to the observance of World Food Day (Oct. 16).


World Food Day is observed annually to raise awareness of the issues surrounding poverty and hunger.\\xa0This year\\u2019s observance will be held under the theme; \\u201cOur Actions Are Our Future \\u2013 Better Production, Better Nutrition, A Better Environment and a Better Life\\u201d. The week-long program of activities to commemorate World Food Day is geared at increasing accessibility to healthy foods and alleviating hunger among the unfortunate. The Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development is receiving support from the Taiwanese Technical Mission and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in hosting the World Food Day 2021 week of activities. \\xa0\\xa0
