Public health measures in response to the updated COVID-19 protocols

Published: Sept. 5, 2022, 9:20 p.m.


After review and assessments, the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs announces further adjustments to the public health measures in response to COVID-19:


\\uf0b7 The wearing of face masks is optional but remains highly recommended to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 particularly in closed settings or where many persons are gathered such as: - Health Services - Elderly Care Homes and Institutions - Educational Facilities/Schools - Religious institutions - Correctional Facilities such as prisons / Boys Training Center, etc.


\\uf0b7Hand sanitization and temperature checks are also recommended but optional based on each institution\\u2019s policy.


\\uf0b7There have been some adjustments to the quarantine protocols based on the mode of transmission of the disease and the recent trends observed in in the disease:


- Asymptomatic contacts of a positive case identified through the contact tracing process can continue to work or attend classes but must wear a mask. Should they become symptomatic whilst at work or school they should immediately isolate and test.


- Symptomatic contacts of a positive case should be tested and must isolate at home pending test results.
