Prime Minister congratulates newly-appointed UWI Principal

Published: May 11, 2022, 8:37 p.m.


The Prime Minister, Hon. Philip J. Pierre wishes to congratulate the newly appointed Principal of the University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine Campus, Professor Rose-Maries Belle Antoine.


Professor Belle Antoine will become the first female Principal when she takes up her appointment on August 1, 2022.


\\u201cThe appointment of Professor Belle Antoine to the region\\u2019s premier tertiary institution comes at a critical juncture when my administration seeks to facilitate the one university graduate per household initiative. Our relationship with the UWI will prove vital in the pursuit of this goal,\\u201d Prime Minister Pierre articulated.


Professor Belle Antoine is no stranger to Saint Lucia not only having worked assiduously on the first-ever Labour Code in this country but also adopting it as her second home.


The Government and the people of Saint Lucia are elated by this progressive appointment by the UWI\\u2019s Council and celebrate this achievement of Professor Belle Antoine.\\xa0

