Investing in our Future and Wellbeing - The Health and Citizen Security Levy

Published: Nov. 1, 2023, 5:01 p.m.


The Government of Saint Lucia introduced the Health and Citizen Security Levy (The Levy) to raise additional revenue to finance health and security projects for the benefit of Saint Lucians and visitors to our island.


The revenue from the Health and Citizen Security Levy will go toward the maintenance of police stations around the island, providing additional tools and equipment for law enforcement officers; and will also fund the implementation of the government\\u2019s Universal Health Care (UHC) project to make public health care more affordable and accessible for the average Saint Lucian.


Read more:


Health and Citizen Security Levy is working in your interest:


Implementation of the Health and Citizen Security Levy:


Health and Security Levy zero-rated on services until Oct. 2:


IRD to implement health and citizen security levy:
