Gros Islet Reunion Committee, Equity Ministry & FRC to Host Listwa Gwozilay

Published: May 17, 2024, 5:58 p.m.


The vibrant town of Gros Islet is set to come alive with celebrations as the Gros Islet Reunion 2024 Committee, in collaboration with the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment and the Folk Research Centre (FRC), present \\u2018Listwa Gwozilay\\u2019.


This gathering aims to document and celebrate the rich cultural history of the northern town, offering locals and overseas residents a unique opportunity to connect with their roots and share cherished memories.


David Moise, Social Transformation Officer for Gros-Islet, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, stating, "In July 2024, we are welcoming both local and overseas residents of Gros-Islet to the town. We will be hosting a Gros Islet reunion in 2024, and one of the activities that I have a keen interest in; the \'Listwa Gwozilay\'. The intention is to try documenting the history of the Gros Islet Town, to hear how things happened a long time ago, how people lived, and what they were engaged in, especially the economic activities, to have this documented."


"Listwa Gwozilay" is an opportunity for older generations to reminisce and serves as a learning platform for the youth and a stimulating point of discussion for the diaspora community.


Attendees can expect a dynamic agenda featuring screenings of insightful interviews, engaging panel discussions, and an open forum for community dialogue. Additionally, live entertainment will be provided, adding to the festive atmosphere of the evening.


\\u201cIt is an activity for not only our older folks but the youth as well. We also see this as an opportunity for those in the diaspora to relive some of the memories they left behind,\\u201d noted Moise.


As part of the ongoing efforts to preserve, share, and celebrate the cultural heritage of Gros Islet, the "Listwa Gwozilay" event promises to be a memorable occasion for all who attend.


The event is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Monchy Human Resource Centre.
