Equity Ministry to Align its Public Assistance Programme (PAP) to its Empowerment Mandate

Published: May 8, 2024, 12:11 p.m.


The Ministry of Equity, under the stewardship of Hon. Joachim A. Henry, is seeking to realign and strengthen the Public Assistance Programme (PAP), through the implementation of a much-needed\\xa0Strategy for Graduation aimed at empowering beneficiaries and fostering economic independence.




Empowering individuals rather than fostering dependence on social support services is central to the initiative's success. Minister Henry underscored The government's commitment to this principle recently, as he highlighted future plans for the rollout of the Strategy for Graduation from Social Assistance in Saint Lucia (2022-2030). In his\\xa0April 25, 2024-2025 Budget presentation,\\xa0Minister Henry assured that his Ministry would apply the strategic approach outlined in the Strategy document to the Public Assistance Programme.


