COVID-19 update - Ministry notes steady decline

Published: Oct. 11, 2021, 9:48 p.m.


The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs notes a reduction in the transmission rate, hospitalization rates, positivity rates, prevalence rates and forecasts average resolution of this fourth wave by November, 2021 if there are no major increases in risks for new transmission.


We continue to note cases diagnosed related to social activities, work places and spread between families. To date from the positive cases diagnosed in country less than 2% have been fully vaccinated. 98% of the COVID-19 deaths and COVID-19 related deaths at Respiratory Hospital were unvaccinated. The 2% deaths who were fully vaccinated had other serious underlying health conditions which contributed to their demise.


We continue to ask the public to work with us and exhibit responsible behavior to manage this fourth wave.


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