Commencement of Works on West Coast Road Rehabilitation and Anse La Raye Bridge Reconstruction

Published: Jan. 18, 2024, 4:05 p.m.


Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport Progress Update on Millennium Highway and West Coast Road Reconstruction Project


The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport is pleased to update the public on the ongoing progress of the Millennium Highway and West Coast Road Reconstruction Project (MHWCRP), a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing the infrastructure and connectivity between the Capital and the West to Southwestern part of the island.





Trinidad-based firm NAMALCO Inc. has been awarded the contract for the West Coast Road reconstruction project. Currently, the focus is on retaining wall construction and roadway maintenance spanning from the Anse La Raye Bridge to Canaries.




O.B. Sadoo Engineering Services has been entrusted with the crucial task of reconstructing the Anse La Raye Bridge. Demolition works have commenced in the bridge's vicinity, with steel fabrications for a temporary bypass bridge being assembled on-site.




C.O. Williams Construction Ltd. is advancing the Millennium Highway component of the project. The current emphasis is on the construction of the Cul de Sac Roundabout, sidewalks, and structural works. Paving works are slated to commence following the completion of these key elements. Single lane closures may also be experienced while works also continue along sections of the Millennium Highway.


The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport emphasizes the importance of safety for both motorists and pedestrians in the vicinity of the project sites. Extreme caution is advised, and all are urged to adhere to the associated signs, signals, and cautionary devices in place.


The MHWCRP is a vital investment in Saint Lucia's infrastructure, and the Department expresses gratitude for the public's cooperation and understanding during these crucial developments.

