State Lures Higher-Paid IT Security Pros - Interview with Minnesota CISO Chris Buse

Published: July 17, 2009, 12:18 p.m.

b'If the choice were between an intriguing job or higher a higher salary, what would you choose? Minnesota Chief Information Security Officer Chris Buse thinks many information security pros would choose the challenge over money. \\n\\n

The ranks of state IT security employees has a number of people who were attracted to government service by the challenges of creating and maintaining secure IT in an environment that most businesses cannot replicate, says Buse, in the second of a two-part interview with Information Security Media Group\'s\\n\\n

Buse describes government work as "a feel-good job," especially for those who have spent years "grinding out money for the stockholders. ...We have a lot of people who have done some pretty remarkable things in their career, but come in here and took pay cuts to be part of our organization." \\n\\n

In the interview, Buse explains how he\'s looking to find bright, talented computer science graduates from regional universities to join the state\'s IT security team. He also discusses the role of state CISOs in helping shape national cybersecurity polichy.\\n\\n

Eric Chabrow, managing editor, interviewed Buse.\\n\\n

Click here to listen to the first part of the interview, in which Buse addresses Minnesota\'s efforts to shift to a hybrid IT security management approach, as well as how the state secures its information assets in a recession.\\n\\n

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