Speeding Cloud Adoption Through New FedRAMP Initiative

Published: April 19, 2010, 1:53 p.m.

b'Peter Mell, Vice Chairman, Federal Cloud Computing Advisory Council, and Senior Computer Scientists, National Institute of Standards and Technology\\n\\n

Add the term FedRAMP to the federal government lexicon; it\'s a program under development that could ease the adoption by agencies of new information technologies and services , including cloud computing, provided by vendors, service providers and other agencies.\\n\\n

The governmentwide initiative - officially the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program - would provide joint authorizations and continuous security monitoring of shared IT services for federal departments and agencies that enter contracts with outside providers, including those offering cloud computing solutions. \\n\\n

Peter Mell, vice chairman of the federal Cloud Computing Advisory Council vice chairman and a force behind the creation of FedRAMP, explains in an interview with GovInfoSecurity.com how FedRAMP:\\n\\n

Will work.
Should speed adoption of cloud computing within the federal government.
Should save agencies money by piggybacking on certifications and accreditation work performed by other agencies.

"We want to reduce duplication of effort, reduce costs, increase security and we believe we can do that through this unified, risk management program," says Mull, who also is a senior computer scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and had led NIST\'s cloud computing research efforts. "Agencies, by leveraging FedRAMP authorization, will save a lot of money and enable rapid acquisition but they\'re still in control. They get to choose whether or not they leverage it. They can chose if they want to do additional work to assure systems meet the security needs of their agency."\\n\\n

GovInfoSecurity.com\'s Eric Chabrow interviewed Mell.'