Rep. David Wu Takes On His Allies: Conversation with the Chair of the House Technology & Innovation Subcommittee

Published: Dec. 18, 2009, 8:15 p.m.

b'Rep. David Wu isn\'t reluctant to speak his mind, even when he expresses views that differ from people he highly respects. \\n\\n

Take, for instance, President Obama, who he praises for his cybersecurity initiatives. Wu, the Oregon Democrat who chairs the House Science and Technology\'s Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation, characterized the White House cybersecurity coordinator Obama wants to hire as a "eunuch," saying the position needs more authority than the president wants to give it.\\n\\n

Wu, who\'s panel shepherds legislation relating to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, has kind words for new NIST director Patrick Gallagher, but disagrees with him on the creation of a Computer Security Laboratory.\\n\\n

In a wide ranging interview, Wu also discusses the:\\n\\n

  • Increasing role Congress seeks to give NIST on cybersecurity.
  • \\n
  • Ill-fated reorganization plan of NIST\'s IT Lab.
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  • Characteristics of a cybersecurity "czar."
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\\n\\n\'s Eric Chabrow interviewed Wu.\\n\\n

Wu is finishing his 11th year representing Oregon\'s First Congressional District, which covers the northwest corner of the state, including parts of Portland. A native of Hsinchu, Taiwan, Wu is the first Chinese-American elected to the House of Representatives.\\n\\n

Before his election to Congress in 1998, he was a lawyer, specializing in high-tech law. \\n\\n

Wu holds a bachelor of science degree from Stanford University and a law degree from Yale Law School.'