Myra Powell, Mission Assurance and Network Operations Program, DISA

Published: Dec. 18, 2009, 2:24 p.m.

b'Myra Powell - as deputy for the Mission Assurance and Network Operations Program, Executive Office, Defense Information Security Agency - helps coordinate the recruitment and training of Defense Department cybersecurity professionals.\\n\\n

"I wouldn\'t say it\'s easy, but we have attracted some very bright professionals to our organization," Powell said.\\n\\n

In an interview with, Powell discusses the\\n\\n

Skills sets DoD seeks in infosec professionals.\\n\\n

Competition among agencies and the private sector for a limited supply of cybersecurity experts.\\n\\n

Benefits of working as an IT security professional for DISA.\\n\\n

Powell was interviewed by Eric Chabrow, managing editor of'