Michigan's Pass-Fail IT Security Challenge - Interview with Michigan CTO Dan Lohrmann

Published: June 11, 2009, 8:21 p.m.

b"After nearly seven years as Michigan chief information security office, Dan Lohrmann got promoted earlier this year to the post of state chief technology officer. But despite new responsibilities, Lohrmann remains a key knowledge center on how Michigan handles information security.\\n\\n

Lohrmann, in an interview, says preventing data loss is among the biggest IT security challenges the state faces. Speaking with Information Security Media Group's Eric Chabrow, Lohrmann compares how the state governs cybersecurity with that of the federal government, and in many respects, it's not much different. Michigan relies on the Federal Information Security Management Act and guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology to keep state IT safe. One advantage, Lohrmann concedes, the state has over its federal counterparts: Michigan isn't graded on compliance by the Office of Management and Budget."