Lockheed Martin's Point Man on Fed Cybersecurity

Published: Sept. 18, 2009, 6:46 p.m.

b'Interview with Charles Croom\\n\\n

Determining how best to secure the nation\'s critical IT infrastructure must be a collaborative effort by the federal government and the private sector, says Charles Croom, vice president of cybersecurity solutions at defense contractor and IT integrator Lockheed Martin. \\n\\n

A retired Air Force lieutenant general, Croom is an astute observer of government-private sector cooperation, having served as director of the Defense Information Systems Agency and commander of the Joint Task Force for Global Network operations. \\n\\n

In an interview, Croom discussed the:\\n\\n

Teamwork needed for government agencies to help develop federal cybersecurity policy regardless of the role the Department of Homeland Security plays;
Research and development efforts at Lockheed Martin that emphasize proactive cybersecurity solutions; and
Incentives government should provide businesses to comply with cyber regulations.

Croom spoke with Eric Chabrow, managing editor of GovInfoSecurity.com.'