IT Security: Scarce Money, No Excuses

Published: July 15, 2009, 2:47 p.m.

b'Interview with Chris Buse, Minnesota Chief Information Security Officer\\n\\n

Minnesota, like nearly all other states, can\'t count on overflowing coffers to fund fully crucial programs, such as IT security. But Chris Buse, Minnesota\'s chief information security officer, says limited funds is no excuse for not properly safeguarding the state\'s information assets.\\n\\n

"Absolutely not," Buse responded to a question about whether sufficient funds exist to fully secure IT. But it\'s incumbent on government leaders like Buse to figure out how to work with one another to stretch those dollars to provide the security the state needs. "It\'s difficult, especially if you\'re a taxpayer to hear somebody in government say, \'Oh, that\'s not enough money to provide adequate security,\'" Buse said in an interview with Information Security Media Group\'s \\n\\n

In the interview, the first of two parts, Buse also addresses efforts to shift to a hybrid IT security management approach from a decentralized one while allowing agency information security managers to continue to make key decisions. \\n\\n

Buse spoke with Eric Chabrow, managing editor.'