In Rhode Island, Size Can be Deceptive - Interview with Rhode Island CIO Jack Landers and CISO Ernie Quaglieri

Published: July 27, 2009, 1:23 p.m.

b"Rhode Island's information security staff consists of two people - the chief information security officer and the deputy CISO - which shouldn't be surprising considering the state is the smallest one in the nation, at least geographically. But size can be deceiving. In reality, many of the IT specialists working in the various agencies also have been charged with securing the state's IT assets.\\n\\n

In an interview with, CIO Jack Landers and CISO Ernie Quaglieri discuss how cybersecurity is integrated into the state IT operation. They also discuss their working relationship as well as how a recent move to centralize IT functions in state government is proving beneficial.\\n\\n

Landers and Quaglieri spoke with Eric Chabrow, managing editor of"