Heartland Breach -- What it Means to Banking Institutions: James Van Dyke, Javelin Strategy & Research

Published: Jan. 29, 2009, 2 p.m.

b'The Heartland Payment Systems data breach - it\'s the first major security incident of 2009. But how big is it really? What are the key takeaways for banking institutions left explaining this breach to their customers?\\n\\n

In an exclusive interview, James Van Dyke, Founder and President of Javelin Strategy & Research, discusses the implications of the Heartland case, offering insight on:\\n\\n

Conclusions we can draw from the Heartland breach;
How banking institutions should communicate with their customers;
Vulnerabilities we should watch to avoid the next big breach.

Van Dyke is founder and president of Javelin Strategy & Research. Javelin is the leading provider of independent, quantitative and qualitative research for payments, multi-channel financial services, security and fraud initiatives. Javelin\'s clients include the largest financial institutions, card issuers and technology vendors in the industry.'