Getting the Basics Rights - Interview with Jerry Davis, NASA deputy chief information officer for IT security.

Published: July 7, 2009, 7:51 p.m.

b'Securing innovative technology is admirable, but if you don\'t get the basics right, then an organization cannot truly secure its information technology.\\n\\n

That simple belief is at the foundation of IT security efforts at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as articulated by Jerry Davis, NASA\'s deputy chief information officer for IT security.\\n\\n

As NASA consolidates its IT infrastructure - active directory, IP address management and e-mail, to name a few - its security team is actively involved. "Security doesn\'t function on its own in silos," Davis says in an interview with Information Security Media Group\'s "Managing better IT in that regard helps us better to manage security as well."\\n\\n

Davis also discusses the need for NASA to attract more highly skilled IT security practitioners, especially those with forensic experience, and secure new technologies such as iPhones that employees like to use.\\n\\n

Davis was interviewed by\'s Eric Chabrow.'