FISMA Author on Reform: Former Rep. Tom Davis

Published: March 2, 2009, 8:30 p.m.

b'Tom Davis wrote the original Federal Information Security Management Act in 2002, and says the legislation has served the government and nation well. The one-time powerful chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, which provides oversight on information technology matters, feels it\'s time for Congress to update FISMA. \\n\\n

With a strong reputation as a lawmaker who worked well with Democrats, the Virginia Republican is now director of Federal Government Services at the consultancy Deloitte. In this exclusive interview, Davis: \\n\\n

Expresses disappointment that President Obama didn\'t include money for information security in the stimulus bill.
Wants Congress to significantly increase the money appropriated for information security.
Believes the scorecard that graded departmental and agency performance in regards to information security, once useful, should be abandoned.

Tom Davis represented Virginia\'s Washington suburbs where many government workers live and government IT and defense contractors have offices. Before becoming chairman of the Government Reform Committee, Davis chaired several subcommittees, including the Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy. \\n\\n

Davis has also served as a co-chair of the Information Technology Working Group, which promotes a better understanding among members of Congress of important issues in the computer and technology industries.'