Confront the IT Security Challenge - Interview with Cybersecurity Sage Howard Schmidt

Published: Aug. 4, 2009, 6:17 p.m.

b'Little wonder that Howard Schmidt\'s name is on every list of prospective White House cybersecurity czar. In the field of IT security, Schmidt has done it all.\\n\\n

He spent more than 30 years in public service, including a stint as a White House special adviser on cyberspace security and as chief strategist for the US-CERT Partners Program at Homeland Security. He serves on an IT privacy board that advises the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Commerce Department and White House.\\n\\n

In the private sector, Schmidt has held top IT security posts at Microsoft and eBay. An author of two IT security books, Schmidt has academic affiliations with Georgia Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon and Idaho State University.\\n\\n

Schmidt is the first and current president of the Information Security Forum, an independent, not-for-profit association aimed harnessing the brainpower of public and private-sector experts in IT security and risk management.\\n\\n

In an interview with\'s Eric Chabrow, Schmidt discusses the:\\n\\n

Crucial role Obama\'s cybersecurity coordinator will play in managing federal IT security policy.
Challenges the federal government faces in developing a cybersecurity culture.
Challenge Providing IT security with limited funds due to the recession.
Need for international cooperation in battling cyber threats.