Call for Privacy Act to Catch Up with IT - Interview with Dan Chenok

Published: June 5, 2009, 12:15 p.m.

b"The law rarely keeps pace with advancements in information technology, and the 35-year-old federal Privacy Act has failed to provide the proper framework needed to protect the privacy of citizens.\\n\\n

Dan Chenok chaired the federal Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board that issued a report entitled Toward a 21st Century Framework for Federal Government Privacy Policy that calls for the creation of a federal chief privacy officer as well as chief privacy officers in major federal agencies and a federal Chief Privacy Officers' Council. The panel also recommended steps Congress and the Obama administration should take to change federal laws and regulations to allow the government to more efficiently use specific technologies, such as cookies, while maintaining citizens' privacy.\\n\\n

Chenok, the one-time highest ranking non-political IT official in the Office of Management and Budget and now a senior vice president at IT services provider Pragmatics, spoke with Information Security Media Group's Eric Chabrow and explains how changing the way privacy is governed will enhance protection for American citizens."