Business Continuity Trends 2010: Sue Kerr, BC/DR Consultant

Published: Nov. 24, 2009, 9:07 p.m.


\\n\\nWe\'ve experienced two waves of the H1N1 pandemic. What lessons have we learned?\\n\\n

Sue Kerr, President of Continuity First, a business continuity/disaster recovery consultancy, talks about how organizations have handled H1N1. She also discusses:\\n\\n

the state of BC/DR;
Challenges facing organizations today;
2010 trends and career opportunities.
\\n \\n

Kerr is also the president of the Old Dominion Association of Contingency Planners, Education Director for the National Association of Contingency Planners and a previous member of the Disaster Recovery Journal Editorial Advisory Board. She has been active in setting standards for the industry as well as training others. She has spoken at various conferences and has done training for corporations, governmental organizations as well as the community. She has been published in industry journals and has been interviewed multiple occasions as a subject matter expert.\\n\\n

She is a Certified Business Continuity Professional through the Disaster Recovery Institute. In addition to working as a consultant for 5 years, she spent 11 years at a Fortune 500 company developing and implementing its Business Continuity Program. She was the Crisis Manager for such events as September 11th, major hurricanes and tropical storms, wild fires, white powder incidents, as well as many others. She has first-hand knowledge on how to design and implement a Crisis Management and Business Continuity Program as well as respond to various incidents.'